torsdag den 15. september 2016

What is the fourth dimension?

Last month I was in Montréal, Canada, where I visited Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal (MAC)
The retrospective of Québécois artist Edmund Alleyn was a nice discovery. One of the things I like about his work, is the feeling of captured or frozen time. 
So, inspired by Edmund Alleyn and stuff I've found in books, here are some slices of frozen time. 

Edmund Alleyn, Sans titre ca. 1976.

Edmund Alleyn, L'Heure Fixe 1980. 

An unidentified American athlete jumping through time
from a book by the Danish Press-Photographers Association 50 år i Øjet(1962)

X-ray images of a horse jumping over a fence. Might be by Muybridge, but I'm not sure.
I found it in the Danish translation of L'homme et l'animal by Jacques Boudet: Mennesket, dyrenes herre (1967)

Francisco De Goya - Folly of Little Bulls (ca. 1819-1823) 
Printed in Mennesket, dyrenes herre (1967)

Some stamps from my not-so-mint collection.

A page from the absolutely genius From Hell (2006)
Written by Alan Moore and drawn by Eddie Campbell 

... And a bit more From Hell. Featuring James Hinton talking about the strange theories of his son Charles Howard Hinton, who did publish an article in 1880 called What is the fourth dimension? in which he does a very good job of imagining and describing a dimension beyond our own.

Charles Howard Hinton also coined the word Tesseract, and this image is of a tesseract passing though our mundane three dimensions. Originally from a Dutch book called Nothing ALL: Inzicht in de Vierde Dimensie(1953), I found it in this great blog, which also has a lot on C.H. Hinton

Drawing a tesseract backwards in a mirror is not easy!
He's explaining the dimensions - good stuff about 3:00 - 5:00

And finally, a recommendation: When you are done with From Hell, pick up Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut, to get unstuck in time with Billy Pilgrim, and learn that "so it goes"

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