fredag den 30. december 2016

#370 - Geometric

A new Handmade RR. Taebbig came up with the theme.

From Alienne:

I like Alienne's mixed media technique, and the bright colors.
"let's connect" makes me think of connecting dots and lines which fits really well with the theme. 
I also really appreciate the Otto Dix stamp :)

From taebbig:

This is such a good take on the theme, simple and effectful.
taebbig wrote this at a Postcrossing meeting in Berlin, so it is signed by a lot of different postcrossers. fun :)

From Jacqcoen
This geometric fish from Jacquelynn reminds me of a patchwork quilt. I like how the different patterns come together, and how edged geometric shapes combine to form something organic.
As always, I'm enjoying the pretty stamps.

Sent to Alienne, Jacqcoen and taebbig:

I really liked this theme, and ended up doing these 3 cards featuring Platonic solids and the Penrose triangle.
I may do a blog post on some of these things in the future. I like the intersection of strict mathematical logic and mystical symbolism.

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